June 15, 2024

7 avr. 2024 - The Siege of Connorsville


After news that a defenseless citizen of Jakestown was murdered on SteeSt soil, Jake unofficially declared war against the SteeSt Empire. Once Jake's army (the 1st people's Militia) approached the SteeSt border and set up camp in a nearby village (picnic shelter). A single unnamed SteeSt soldier approached the encampment. On the bridge leading to Jake's town they held negotiations. Jake offered to spare the town if they assimilate to democracy, and give them freedoms not guaranteed under SteeSt rule. The soldier however denied this offer of democracy and aid, and stated that he would rather watch Connorsville burn than give into democracy. Jake disturbed by this revelation and the lack of care for the civilians of the autocracy. Out of compassion for the oppressed Jake warranted the SteeSt soldiers 30 minutes to evacuate the civilians, and prepare for the upcoming invasion.

After the allotted 30 minutes had passed the 1st People's Militia passed the bridge only to be met with the unnamed soldier again. The brave soldier proudly claimed all citizens had been evacuated, and made a bid for peace. "Except our autocracy and we will give up Connorsville without a fight". Jake refused to let the people of Connorsville to continue to live in the darkness of a dictator so he famously replied, "The light of Democracy cannot prevail in the sicking darkness of Autocracy". The soldier refused to compromise and fled back to the city.

Jake held up his riot shield protecting his soldiers as they marched in single file to the city. Prevailing against enemy fire Adam and other soldiers began to encircle the city as Jake lay heavy suppressive fire from his Dewalt Fire 12. The SteeSt forces were then pushed from the city, and forced to abandon due to the overwhelming firepower of the 1st People's Militia. The Militia then tried to gather and arrest SteeSt soldiers who tried to maintain a guerilla war against the Militia, however some were able to flee. The first battle casualties numbered over 7+ for Jakestown and over 15+ for the SteeSts.

The SteeSts who fled the first battle were able to warn a nearby regiment about the takeover of Connorsville. They soon mustered a counter-offensive force and marched to retake Connorsville. Jakestown was able to anticipate a counter-attack from SteeSt forces and was able to erect hasty defenses on the bridges leading to the city. Again the SteeSt Soldiers tried to convince the soldiers of the 1st Militia to led their barbaric ways exist, the Jakestown soldiers weren't fazed by their lies. Then unprovocted the soldiers bum rushed the Jakestown soldiers overwhelming them. The 1st Milita then fell back to Connorsville, as the SteeSt advanced using stolen Jakestown equipment. The SteeSts used the same tactic of following in a single file behind the shield bearer. A Jakestown soldier however was able to flank them and take the shield back. For the next 20 mintutes it was a struggle for survival. The Jakestown militia quickly ran out of ammunition, as a continuous wave of SteeSt besieged the city. Despite being heavily outnumbered the militia against all odds was able to hold the city. Once the last of the SteeSt soldiers crossed the bridge they were captured by Jakestown Milita. In a fit of rage for the countless lives lost, the Milita Men excuted the remaining SteeSt soldiers. The casualties were innumerable being 45+ causalties on the Jakestown side, and over 60+ causalties on the SteeSt side. In total between the two battles fought over 130+ perished at Connorsville.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


7 avr. 2024
~ Il y a 1 mois et 25 jours