April 1, 2024

5 nov 2014 - UMBRELLA


LiteBit came up with the idea to mint 600 UMBRELLA tokens to represent a 'right-to-claim voucher' for a physical umbrella that he would batch order later in time.

He posted the token and idea on the Bitcointalk forums. The idea was to make an orange bitcoin umbrella to stand out in the sea of black umbrellas throughout the world. On Nov 13, 2014 the description 'bitcoinumbrellas.com' was added for users to be redirected for their purchase to that website.

It is considered one of the first assets on the Counterparty Protocol to represent a physical object that could be purchased. The art for this piece (by M0d3D3b0) and it's subasset (UMBRELLA.ORIGINS) was added at a later date.

LiteBit commented later saying he also considered this asset to be an early type of crowdfunding project as well.

Issuer: LiteBit

Ajouté au bande de temps:


5 nov 2014
~ Il y a 9 ans et 6 mois

Les images: