April 1, 2024

24 mai 2023 - Muszy rejoins the 8thLR


After reg hopping for around a month, Muszy eventually came back to the 8th. There once again was a debate on what rank he was going to get, with Muszy wanting Arty Captain.

Instead, he was offered second-in-command of Arty, to which he declined. He was then given an enlisted rank.

While he was here, he barely played any events with the 8th. Often, he'd merc with other regiments during 8thLR events.

Eventually, he was caught double-regging with the 33rd. Muszy didn't think it was a big deal, and was upset when he was told he wasn't allowed to double-reg, despite him not allowing double-regging when he was Oberst himself.

He would later leave the regiment again a couple weeks later on the 8th of June.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

il y a 15 jrs


24 mai 2023
~ Il y a 1 ans