June 15, 2024

30 juin 1892 - Homestead Strike


This was a violent labour dispute between the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers and the Carnegie Steel Company. The company decided to lock the union out of the plant when the union refused to accept new conditions. Carnegie was determined to break the union. The company sent for 300 Pinkerton Guards but when they arrived by barge they were met by 10,000 strikers, many of them armed. 9 strikers and 7 Pinkerton's were killed.

Violence followed the companies decision to advertise for replacement workers, and this culminated with the shooting and then stabbing of the plant manager, Henry Frick, who had been brought in to break the union. This violence broke the union and resulted in a dramatic decline in membership. Carnegie Steel instituted longer hours and lower wages. This event seriously harmed the progress of workers gaining rights, while employers in other industries became even more suspicius of granting recognition to unions.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


30 juin 1892
~ Il y a 132 ans