June 15, 2024

19 févr. 1965 - Moree Baths


The SAFA's returned back to Moree after hearing that the segregation at the swimming pool had been reinstated. When they arrived, they were met with hostility, "there was a lot of hissing and booing... he(Charlie Perkins) went to the front of the line and when he refused to move was grabbed and taken away from the line."
Aboriginal peoples were once again banned from entering the pool.
The Freedom Riders protested by blocking the gate to the pool, stating "Nobody gets through unless we get through with all the Aboriginal kids!"
The community of Moree broke out in "Angry discussion", with hostility directed at "us as university student intruders rather than to the aborigines."
The mayor of the town ordered the police to physically remove the protestors from he gate entrance. "Rotten tomatoes, fruit and eggs began to fly, then the sotnes were coming over and bottles too."
Physical violence occurred when people from the hotel adjacent from the pool "came over and did most of the kicking, throwing and punching, and the spitting."

After much fighting, the mayor agreed to sign a motion to rescind the 1955 statute they were protesting against.
They were successful in their protest, and Aboriginal peoples were allowed to enter the pool for the first time in the history of Moree.

Police asked them to leave as the crowd became increasingly more violent. The crowd "threw eggs, tomatoes, stones, and spat on us... I was literally covered in spit" - Charles Perkins

As the bus left, around 30 cars attempted to follow the bus but police stopped them.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

il y a 9 mois


19 févr. 1965
~ Il y a 59 ans