June 15, 2024

22 déc. 2021 - Shaken to the Core


Reed Richards, Sue Storm, Wanda Maximoff, The Vision, Steven Strange, and William Foster consult on Gwen Stacy. Reed discovers that below the Pym threshold, she has a quantum resonance different from the rest of the universe. Therefore, Gwen's body is being assaulted by a universe that is vibrating at a different resonance and will eventually rip her apart.

Crafting a series of scanners to place across Manhattan, they are able to triangulate the fissure that brought her across in the first place, at W51st St and 7th. Gwen says goodbye to her dad one last time, and tearfully departs, understanding that she can't remain. She returns to her own universe. Reed sends with her a beacon containing all his data, and a message for anyone who might be listening.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

il y a 8 mois


22 déc. 2021
~ Il y a 2 ans et 5 mois