April 1, 2024

28 avr. 1962 - Cassette Tape


Cassette Tape:

When was the format invented?
The Compact Cassette tape was invented in 1962 by Philips and became popular later on that year
But the tape that the cassettes used was invented in 1928 by Fritz Pfleumer.

How sound is captured and played back?
To Record audio on a cassette tape first you need get cassette player or a simple tape recorder or anything can can record using tape but you will need a radio and CD player also since you need to connect it to the tape recorder so you have something to record from. Then once you have all the required kit, it’s not too hard to record just find what you want to record and press record if you screw up then just rewind and press play/ record (depending on the unit used) this method can be used to record anything for example you can use it to record radio but you will need to press record just after the DJ finishes speaking and just before they start speaking again. The only thing is that it s hard to skip from song to song since there is not clear marking on where one song starts and one finishes. Then once you have finished your mix then label it so you know what’s on it

Did it effect other formats?
It had some effect on sales of records and as time went one it began to take over as the most used/most bought way of listening to music (until other things came along), one of the reasons for this was because it had Typically 30 or 45 minutes of audio per side so since at the time it was more than any other formats out at the time, it helped to propel it into being the main form of audio play back (until other things came along). If you had the equipment to do so, it was relatively easy to cope music from one cassette to another or just to recorded music, this lead to an increase music piracy

How did impact consumers?
It leads to both a cheap and generally better (than things available before its invention) the things that cassette have over others from before it, are longer space to record on, they could be copied rather easily which lead to the true start of music piracy , a reason that I became popular with consumers was because it had Typically 30 or 45 minutes of audio per side so since at the time it was more than any other formats out at the time, it helped to propel it into being the main form of audio play back (until other things came along).

Ajouté au bande de temps:

13 mars 2018


28 avr. 1962
~ Il y a 62 ans

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