June 15, 2024

4 mars 1998 - Innocence


Outside, Angel reverts to his vampire form, Angelus, after the curse restoring his soul is lifted, and he immediately kills a woman. Angelus joins Spike and Drusilla and plots Buffy's death. Willow comes across Xander and Cordelia kissing, and she leaves angrily. Buffy visits Angelus's apartment, and while disguised as Angel he mocks her. Angelus visits the School and attacks Willow, leaving after Buffy and Jenny ward him off. Buffy leaves, heartbroken, but has a dream featuring Angel and Jenny and realizes that Jenny has information about Angel. Confronting Jenny, she reveals her Romani heritage and her knowledge of Angelus's curse. Xander and Cordelia visit a nearby army base to steal a rocket launcher. Angelus kills Jenny's uncle and takes Judge to the mall, where he attacks everybody present. Armed with the rocket launcher, Buffy shoots and kills Judge. The gang recover the pieces of his body, planning to keep them separate, while Angelus and Buffy fight outside. Buffy overpowers Angelus, but cannot bring herself to kill him. Giles tries to console Buffy afterwards.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

28 mars 2023


4 mars 1998
~ Il y a 26 ans