June 15, 2024

4 janv. 2011 - Harry & Louis attend Manchester United Game at Old Trafford


- Louis tweets “Big shout out too @joekenners thanks for tonight !!!“
- Harry tweets about the game “Off to the football :D Not much is better than a trip to Old Trafford with the father @louis_Tomlinson and @rioferdy5 :) .x”
- Harry & Louis go to Rosso for dinner and later drinks
- Louis tweets “Niall has been hacked so ignore his funny tweets ha”
- Harry tweets again about what a great night it was “Great night with @louis_Tomlinson , @ashwils84 , @joekenners and @rioferdy5 :) .x”
- Louis tweets a picture of him and Harry with Nemanja Vidic before they’re even home “Me Harry and Vidic http://yfrog.com/h6y7hdj”
- 20 minutes later Louis tweets again “Great night with @Harry_styles and @anton_Ferdinand !!!“ Anton was not there. Rio had tagged the wrong Louis (Louie Spence) in a tweet earlier in the evening and Louis was getting him back for it.
- Harry & Louis have a sleepover at Harry’s house in Holmes Chapel
- Louis tweets “@AshWills84 unlucky mate I’m just sat at home drinking tea haha good to see you mate !”
- Louis tweets at 1:54AM “sleep over at Harrys :)”
- Louis tweets X Factor contestant John Wilding who was eliminated at Judge’s Houses in 2010 “miss you man !!”
- Louis tweets “:)” in response to a fan telling him he was lucky for sleeping over at Harry’s

Ajouté au bande de temps:


4 janv. 2011
~ Il y a 13 ans