June 15, 2024

13 nov 1861 - Abraham Lincoln


Abraham Lincoln was an American statesman and lawyer who served as the 16th President of the United States from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865. When he was elected the souther states seceded from the Union and formed the Confederacy, a league or alliance, especially of confederate states. When Lincoln tried to take back the federal base at Fort Sumter, North Carolina, by force, four more states seceded from the Union. Lincoln believed that slavery was unjust, he could not see blacks as the equals of whites. The best thing to do, he thought, would be to free the slaves and send them back to Africa. He greatly despised the Ku Klux Klan because of their act of extreme white nationalism. Established Freedman's Bureau, an agency of the United States Department of War to aid the freed slaves.
He eventually freed the slaves by the Emancipation Proclimation, a presidential proclamation and executive order issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863 that freed or helped emancipate the slaves by law. It is also the 13th amendment of the Constitution.
Once blacks were free to enter the Union army, the war started to look more like a war for black liberation. The more whites suffered, the more they resented blacks. Angriest of all were poor whites who were drafted into the army. Rich people could buy their way out of the draft for $300. That was a huge amount of money. At that time the average skilled worker (such as a carpenter) earned about two dollars a day. Unskilled workers earned less. Draft riots in 1863 in northern cities turned whites against their black neighbors in a wave of violence and death. The government viewed slaves as unimportant and stopped protecting them.
Three political views were formed by the freeing of slaves.
1. White people worried about racial equality
2. Black people who wanted their freedom to
mean something
3. The Republican party
And the war created white violence against blacks. The alliance that helped the freed was the Freedman's Bureau.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

14 févr. 2018


13 nov 1861
~ Il y a 162 ans

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