June 15, 2024

21 févr. 1965 - Malcom X Assassination


He was a religious leader and African American naturalist. He had a very eventful life, went to jail after six years he was released and became part of the minister of Islam. There he encountered with Martin Luther King Jr. There he supported self-defense and to release African Americans “by any means necessary.” He developed this idea specially toward Elijah Muhammad whom did not support this movement. Thanks to this and that Malcom had presented this problem with president John F kennedy he was suspended from the Nation of Islam. June 1964 he founded the Organization of Afro-American Unity, which provided Black identity and said that “racism, not the white race, was the greatest foe of the African American”(HISTORY, 2022). February 21, 1965 in New York city Malcolm was unfortunately assassinated for standing his Organization of Afro-American Unity at the Audubon Ballroom in Washington Heights. Now known for being a huge impact in the civil rights movement.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


21 févr. 1965
~ Il y a 59 ans