June 15, 2024

14 h 22 min, 8 déc. 2018 ans - ACLU EMAILS Eric George Amber Heard OP-ED Legal Edits


928 - Emails - ACLU and Eric George re Legal Edits for ACLU Op-Ed, 12/8/18

1549 - Email from Amber Heard to George et al. re One thought - ACLU statement (with attachment, 12/8/18,

Sean Walsh to Amber Heard, Eric George & Jen Robinson:
Legal edits for ACLU op-ed.
ACLU revised draft of EG (Eric George) and JR (Jen Robinson) edits.

Amber Heard to Eric George, Sean Walsh & Jennifer Robinson:
Subject: One thought? ACLU statement.
I received your redline version. I think the edits make perfect sense. I had one thought, however, in the attached statement I highlighted the one part that I'm curious to see if there's perhaps another version of it we could keep in there. Maybe instead of, 'two years ago I sought a temporary restraining order from my then-husband,' we could do something like, 'two years ago after successfully acquiring a temporary restraining order,' would it be okay then? Or some version of that? I just like the acknowledgement that follows after, '...only to feel the full force of the culture's wrath for women who speak out.' I’d hate to lose that.

Sean Walsh, to Amber Heard:
Seems reasonable to me, but defer to Eric.

Eric George to Amber Heard:
You did a great job on this. I see no reason why we can't leave in your elegant language while still eliminating reference to court
proceedings. What's your ETA? Can I tinker with it and get back to you tomorrow evening?

Amber Heard to Eric George:
We would need to submit it on Monday.

US VA Court Documents:
- Amber Heard Exhibits 928 & 1549 [UNPUBLISHED]
- Eric George Deposition Transcript pp58-63

Ajouté au bande de temps:

il y a 34 min


14 h 22 min, 8 déc. 2018 ans
~ Il y a 5 ans et 6 mois

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