April 1, 2024

12 mai 2012 - INDIEWIRE Dark Shadows Is Another Lazy, Incoherent Disappointment From Tim Burton


“Dark Shadows” is not the worst movie that Tim Burton has ever made, but that’s only because there’s nothing worse than “Alice in Wonderland.” A desperate jumble of ideas in search of deeper substance, much less focus, Burton’s latest collaboration with actor Johnny Depp is the latest, and perhaps greatest, proof that yet exists for the director: he’s a hell of a production designer. Given the film’s incredible lack of cohesion – or follow-through – it feels like the resigned end result of a studio’s best efforts to whittle an unwieldly mess into something manageable, but far too many of its shortcomings remain exposed for it to play as anything other than a showcase for the star and filmmaker’s laziness, hubris, or both.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

il y a 11 min


12 mai 2012
~ Il y a 12 ans

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