April 1, 2024

21 janv. 1924 - Joseph Stalin


Stalin quickly rose up the political ladder of the Bolshevik group. For several years during the revolution, Stalin conducted political activities for the Bolshevik party. Stalin had been arrested several times because of this activities. After attending several conferences that got him interested in Lenin’s communism and ideas, he and Lenin met and began to work together. Stalin conducted robberies for Lenin, helping fund his Bolshevik party. He was a ruthless underground operator for Lenin. Eventually, in 1912, Lenin promoted Stalin to the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party. He continued to gain Lenin’s trust as Lenin gained power. In 1922, he was promoted to Secretary General of the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party, giving Stalin even more power. Finally, after Lenin died in 1924, Stalin was able to secure control of the communist party and eventually become the dictator of the Soviet Union. This was one of the biggest ways that Stalin influenced the revolution. By securing power after Lenin died, Stalin effectively ended the revolution and determined one clear outcome. At this point, there would be no more opposition and there would only be one leader.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


21 janv. 1924
~ Il y a 100 ans

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