June 15, 2024

7 nov 1917 - Bolsheviks


The Bolsheviks were the political opposition to the Mensheviks. This group believed more that a small and elite group should lead the party of the Bolsheviks. This group believed that the proletariats, the working class, must overthrow the bourgeoisie, the wealthy class. This made this particular party very popular with the commoners. This group was led by Vladimir Lenin and began to gain more and more power with the common folk. By the October Revolution of 1917, the group had immense power and support due to the fact that they wanted peace for the common folk and supported them and through their propaganda. During the October Revolution, they took control of the government. They later pushed out any and all other political groups and formed the Russian Communist Party which would have a firm control on Russia for decades to come. The date that they took control of the government marks the date where this group would begin their rein of power over the government. This was a very big step for the group and is when they contributed most to the revolution. This revolt against the provisional government run by Mensheviks was a huge part of the revolution too.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


7 nov 1917
~ Il y a 106 ans