June 15, 2024

1 juill. 1989 - Acceptance Letter


Lucithia gets her Hogwarts acceptance letter. Her parents are glad. Draco throws a fit and cries himself to sleep because he doesn't want his big sister to leave as he 'doesn't want to spend time with those lumbering buffoons Crabbe and Goyle as they have the combined intelligence of a pig'.

This is to be read as (with brackets as what Draco would claim):
He hero worships (enjoys the company of) his older sister and considers her to be (at least to some degree) the center of his world (outside of himself) and enjoys talking to her (wants to spend every moment playing with her. Or even studying with her. She makes it fun). And her leaving is crushing his heart (mildly irritating. But I'll get over it *wiped eyes*) and he really doesn't want her to go (*voice quivers* I-I'm ok with it. T-t-totally... yeah...) but she clearly wants to go so he's unsure as to what he should do (Its not that big of a dea- *breaks into tears*) but knows he can't stop her from going no matter what he does or days (*is bawling his eyes out in bed eating chocolate frogs with Luci hugging him and promising to write*).

Ajouté au bande de temps:

12 déc. 2022


1 juill. 1989
~ Il y a 34 ans

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