June 15, 2024

27 juin 2016 - Winona Ryder Unimaginable Allegations Johnny Depp was never abusive at all towards me


FROM Time Magazine:

Ryder was also one of the early casualties of the rising tabloid era. She got engaged to Johnny Depp when she was still a teen, and the couple became paparazzi magnets. He tattooed “Winona Forever” on his arm. (After they split, he altered it to “Wino Forever.”) Interest in that relationship endures and leads me to ask her about allegations that Depp’s current wife, Amber Heard, has made that he physically abused her. She calls the thought “unimaginable.”

“I can only speak from my own experience, which was wildly different than what is being said,” Ryder says. “He was never, never that way towards me. Never abusive at all towards me. I only know him as a really good, loving, caring guy who is very, very protective of the people that he loves.”

“I wasn’t there. I don’t know what happened. I’m not calling anyone a liar. I’m just saying, it’s difficult and upsetting for me to wrap my head around it. Look, it was a long time ago, but we were together for four years, and it was a big relationship for me,” she says. “Imagine if someone you dated when you were—I was 17 when I met him—was accused of that. It’s just shocking. I have never seen him be violent toward a person before.”

She understands why I asked about it in the first place—abusers can show patterns of abuse, and the allegations are so serious. But otherwise, Ryder has gone to great lengths to keep her private life private after run-ins with the media in her early years and a seemingly endless effort to project a certain persona.

“There were times where people might have seen me and said, ‘Wow, she’s so lucky.” But I was depressed, I was going through something,” she says. “That time I went through led me to make Girl, Interrupted. Most girls go through that at around that age—20, 21.” The 1999 film, which deals with women grappling with mental illness, was Ryder’s passion project and took her seven years to get onscreen. It won co-star Angelina Jolie an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, but Ryder’s career was beginning to stall.

Ryder says this took an emotional toll. “You can’t look to the industry to validate you as a person because that can just lead to incredible disappointment,” she says. “I will admit I was guilty of that when I was younger because you get caught up in it, surrounded by people that are telling you that it’s the most important thing, and you’re young and you believe it.”

Ajouté au bande de temps:

il y a 20 h


27 juin 2016
~ Il y a 7 ans et 11 mois

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