June 15, 2024

12 h 23 min, 10 juin 2016 ans - Civil War


At a local airprot, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, and Scott Lang attempt to flee to go to Siberia, where the so called "Elite-Death Squad" was sleeping.

Under orders from Secretary of State Ross, Tony Stark, James Rhodes, Peter Parker, Vision, and Natasha Romanov arrive at the airport to arrest Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes and anybody who might resist them arresting those two.

A long battle between the Avengers ensues, leaving most people beaten down. Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes are the only two to escape arrest from Tony Stark. Sam Wilson, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff and Scott Lang are all arrested and sent to a floating prison in the middle of the ocean.

Tony Stark, while on his way to interrogate the arrested persons, learns news that Zemo had dressed like Bucky Barnes to frame him and that Steve Rogers was right all along. After letting Sam Wilson know he made a mistake, Wilson tells him the location of Rogers and Barnes.

Tony Stark meets up with Captain America and Bucky Barnes to confront Zemo and Elite-Death Squad in an old Siberian facility. The three arrive to only find Zemo killed all the soldiers in their sleep. He then shows security cam footage of HYDRA's mission on the day December 16th, 1991.

The Winter Soldier, had killed both of Tony's parents and stolen the serum.

Tony Stark, learning this for the first time, goes into a rage. He also learns that Steve Rogers knew Bucky killed his parents but didn't tell him. Tony Stark seeks vengeance for his parents deaths, trying to kill Bucky Barnes, and maybe even Steve Rogers.

After another lengthy battle, Bucky Barnes has lost an arm, Steve Rogers is limping with blood all over his face and Tony Stark's Iron Man suit is completely trashed. Tony Stark asks Captain America to drop his famous shield, because his father, Howard Stark, made it. He does.

As for now, the Avengers were no longer a group.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


12 h 23 min, 10 juin 2016 ans
~ Il y a 7 ans et 11 mois