June 15, 2024

2 h 21 min, 10 janv. 1943 ans - Kursk- July 5h


Kursk is a region in Russia, where the Germans tried advancing into their enemies land, coming from unexpected directions. The Soviet Union held a strong defense when Germany was attacking, and Russia soon turned this battle into an offensive opportunity. The Soviet gained back Kharkov and Orel, Hitler was loosing more than he was gaining in this attack and knew it was more intelligent to retreat before he loses more land. The Eastern front was close to conquering for the Soviets and the allies, stopping the nazi party from expanding which was vital for Russia because German took over so much land in so little time. Stalin had to regain land or else his whole country could end up facing nazi influence/ control.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


2 h 21 min, 10 janv. 1943 ans
~ Il y a 81 ans

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