June 15, 2024

21 h 56 min, 1 août 1939 ans - Blitzkrieg into Poland- Agusut 1st 1939-


The Germans first goal was to invade Poland. By doing so Germany was aware they needed to articulate a plan. This devised a plan called Blitzkrieg that would assure the capture of France. The word Blitzkrieg is a German term which means “lightning war,” These fast moving attacks are assisted by aircraft and tanks. Poland could not withstand the constant bombing in different towns and cities. The fight against Germany was shortly lived for Poland and gave up only after a few days. After a few uses of these tactics, Germany expanded exponentially. The Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Denmark and Greece were all victims to Blitzkrieg and Nazi. What this event brought to the war was only more reason for Europe to feel threatened by the Nazi party and the expansion of Germany. Germany's collection of new territories was captured in such a short time frame, the rest of the world did not know what else they were capable of.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


21 h 56 min, 1 août 1939 ans
~ Il y a 84 ans

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