April 1, 2024

25 déc. 1353 av. J.-C. - Akhenaton, Nefertiti and Three Daughters


Akhentaten Background:
Period in the New Kingdom, Amarna Period. Builds a new capital city in 1350. He creates the earth's earliest monotheistic religion. He creates got Aton (Aten), who he believes is his father. He will only be shown as the disc and the rays of the sun. Aten only reveals religious truth to his son, Akhenaten, and Nefertiti.
Did Akhenaten believe he is a god?
Akhenaten does NOT believe he is a god. Changes art along with religion & the way he is depicted as a ruler.
Amenhotep changed his name to what?
What is different in the piece's depiction of the pharoah?
Head elongated
Sagging bellies
Chicken necks
Sexless (one theory)
Not stiff pharaoh's
What is the same in the piece's depiction of the pharaoh?
Composite view
What kind of relief is this?
Sunken relief: less deep
Where would this have been kept?
Found in a small house alter
Akhenaten dies:
Then Akhenaten's son becomes pharaoh. Tutankhamun, 9 year old boy.
What does Tutankhamun change?
Enrages priests persuade him to abolish the religion of Aten and go back to worshipping deities. Moved to Thebes, destroyed bah reliefs of Akhenaten. He changes his name to Tutankhamun. He dies at 18 and is entombed. His tomb was discovered in 1932, in tact.
Why is it lucky to have this piece now?
Because most were destroyed.
1353-1335 BCE
Amarna, Egypt

Ajouté au bande de temps:

19 janv. 2018


25 déc. 1353 av. J.-C.
~ Il y a 3380 ans

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