June 15, 2024

7 mars 1581 - Demonmania


By Jean Bodin, a witch-hunting work, at the same time very modern, the modern answer to the skeptical crisis, an early treatise of the re-Order. (A precusrer of Bacon? perhaps more asristotelian and conservative, common sense)

"as a prelude to discussing his topic, Bodin felt it necessary to deal with [epistemology and methodolgy]. Three theories of knowledge are outlined: that of Plato and Democritus that only the intellect is the judge of truth; next, a crude empiricism attributed to Aristotle; and finally, the total scepticism of Pyrrho. All these views are rejected in favor of a sophisticated empiricism, which Bodin called the commonsense theory of Theophrastus, which allows for truths derived from interpretations of sense experience. On this basis, his evidence about demonomanie is then justified"

Bodin expressed in his life much religious tolerance.

However, saw atheism and demonism not as respectable religious opinions, but as abominable crimes of treason against God. Demonology must be suppressed for the sake of an orderly commonwealth.

Was perhaps a harbenger of nationalism and a precurser of Hobbes; he claimed that disunity and violence (religious wars) were destroying France, and the only cure was a strong and respected monarchy - politics over religion. "Bodin was deeply concerned with the question of harmony and order in a very disordered time. The common good depended on order, and order in society could only exist through ... monarchy. The monarch was to be regarded as the absolute ruler of the state. Defiance of the monarch was treason."

Ajouté au bande de temps:

30 oct. 2018


7 mars 1581
~ Il y a 443 ans

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