April 1, 2024

1 janv. 1492 - Columbian Exchange


The Columbian Exchange occurs the same year as Columbus’ voyage to the ‘New World’. These two events correlate because without the voyage, Europe would not know about the New World, therefore would never be able to trade using their resources. The Columbian Exchange was the exchanging of goods, mostly food and cattle, between Europe and America. Europe sent foods like onions, olives, grapes, bananas, sugar cane, grains, pigs, and horses to the Europeans over in the Americas. In return, the Europeans sent the newly discovered resources from the Americas, to Europe. Potatoes, tomatoes, corn, beans, and vanilla are just a few things from the Americas. Without this exchange, the foods we eat everyday today may not even exist. The luxury of having so many choices of fruits, veggies, and meat would not be accessible. Also, many of the foods Europe and America are famous for, wouldn’t even be possible. Like pizza in Italy, hamburgers in the US, and more!

Ajouté au bande de temps:

15 janv. 2018


1 janv. 1492
~ Il y a 532 ans

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