April 1, 2024

12 h 21 min, 23 août 1849 ans - Wilmot Proviso-1849


Dear journal
Not much really goin on this year. These has been many little riots on my farm but i settle those quick fast and in a hurry. No slave is going to destroy everything i worked so hard on. I bought two slaves the other day. You should see these animals. Both 6 feet tall strong to. Strong as can be. I spent two years of cotton growing in them but it was worth it. I’ll just have to cut down on the food i give them. I’ve been sending cotton to the North and been getting little pay not a lot but just enough to pass the time by. I think these people are just foolish but what am I to do about it. I’m just gonna enjoy my slaves and make my money.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


12 h 21 min, 23 août 1849 ans
~ Il y a 174 ans