June 15, 2024

1 janv. 1498 av. J.-C. - Balaam the Prophet Inscription


watchjerusalem.co.il, The Biblical Prophets: Archaeological Evidence?
Proof of the biblical kings abounds. What, if anything, about the prophets?
By Christopher Eames • March 21, 2019

Deir Alla, a Jordanian town, lies about eight kilometers east of the Jordan River. In 1967, within the walls of an ancient settlement site, Dutch excavators discovered a painted script, written in a form of Aramaic–Canaanite language, dating to around 800 b.c.e. The incomplete, somewhat-lengthy script has been deciphered, and it begins with the following dramatic introduction:

The misfortunes of the Book of Balaam, son of Beor. A divine seer was he. The gods came to him at night ….

The long script proceeds to describe a vision Balaam witnessed of imminent destruction by the gods. The text repeatedly mentions the name “Balaam, son of Beor,” as well as various gods including Shagar and Ishtar. The names “El” and “Shaddai” are also mentioned (akin to the Hebrew words used for God).

Also discovered at Deir Alla is a series of small, inscribed clay tablets, one of which states: “… they are the smiters of Pethor.” Pethor was where Balaam lived (Numbers 22:5). These tablets are roughly dated to at least 1200 b.c.e. or earlier.

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1 janv. 1498 av. J.-C.
~ Il y a 3524 ans