June 15, 2024

4 h 31 min, 22 janv. 582 ans - Gondul reunites with Vignar and Gudrune to help save Rowena, and Gudrune is re-recruited into the Ruby Brotherband.


Gudrune is welcomed back into the Brotherband

Once they met in Blackmarsh, Gondul and Vignar spoke with one another, and Vignar was furious at his Headmaster, asking him how he could abandon a comrade like he had.

Gondul requested they speak in private, and attempted to explain his reasons. He tried reasoning with the man that he was torn between his obligation to fighting back against Molag Bal and avenging the deaths of his best friends and saving a woman he had grown to care for.

After speaking with Vignar a while longer, explaining that he had chosen to rescue Rowena and how he thought Vignar could possibly use his lycanthropy, Gudrune joined in. Gondul attempted in asking for her forgiveness, but she explained that forgiveness is not given, but earned.

Each of the warriors exchanged apologies and promises. They all spoke a bit more, both of them explaining to Gondul that the Ritual cannot be carried out unless they give a sacrifice to the Daedric Lord Hircine.

Although stating it should be him, Gudrune had already sealed her fate with the Daedra Lord. Gondul asked if he could have the Honor of re-recruiting her into the Ruby Brotherband before she turned.

Although hesitant, she agreed to join so long as he made her a promise: that he would never leave a friend behind, no matter the cost, ever again.

Gondul Promised, and re-recruited the woman.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


4 h 31 min, 22 janv. 582 ans
~ Il y a 1443 ans