June 15, 2024

1 janv. 700 av. J.-C. - Seals of Hezekiah & Isaiah in Same Strata


729-687 BC is Dating Timeframe. Both seals found in same strata.


Digging at the base of the southern wall of the Temple Mount, the team found a clay seal bearing Isaiah’s name. Mazar provided a transliteration of this Isaiah bulla in Biblical Archaeology Review as “Yesha‘yah[u] Nvy[?],” where brackets indicate unknown letters from damage to the clay.1 “Yesha‛yahu” is “Isaiah.” If the Hebrew letter aleph stood in place of the missing letter “[?],” then the word after “Isaiah” would spell “prophet.” Possibly the hand of Isaiah himself formed this seal.

In 2015, only ten feet away, the team had found a clay impression called a bulla bearing King Hezekiah’s seal.2 According to the Bible, the prophet Isaiah served during Hezekiah’s reign and interacted directly with the king.

The archaeological layer containing both the Hezekiah bulla and now the Isaiah clay seal occurs below Byzantine and early Roman debris. This matches the biblical time of Hezekiah’s reign, which lasted from 729 to 687 BC.3 Thus, these two artifacts found together confirm the fact that those Old Testament figures really lived at the time the Bible says they did.

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1 janv. 700 av. J.-C.
~ Il y a 2726 ans