April 1, 2024

14 mars 1767 - Treaty of Amsterdam


After witnessing a decade of defeats in India, North America and, during the years of 1766 and 1767, even the high seas, the British King George III, who took over from his father George II following his death in 1760, saw himself forced to negotiate a peace treaty - after strengthening his position with a decisive battle with the Battle of Calais, in which French naval forces suffered a painful setback in February of 1767.

Although that setback was fresh in the minds of the Frenchmen, the British did not manage to gain the upper hand in negotiation: London had to accept humiliating reparation treaties, made a promise to no longer pursue colonization of India, saw her colonial possessions in North America reduced to the Thirteen Colonies and had to accept an independent dynasty on the throne of Hannover.

The Treaty, which ended the Great War (although the news would take a while to go around the world), was signed in Amsterdam, the capital city of the neutral Netherlands.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

11 mars 2018


14 mars 1767
~ Il y a 257 ans