June 15, 2024

17 avr. 1468 - The United Realms of Arcanó is founded


The Gondolin Empire is the most economically stable empire in all of Arcanó. Small, unimpressive city-states willingly submit to Gondolin rule. As the wealthy empire spreads and gains even more wealth it attracts some admirers. The Maoria Union of Islands, which is a union of islands, isles, islets, atolls and seamounds at the end of the Eastern Isles, takes interest. The island nation has little resources (like Japan today) and its natives were relatively poor. It had not been conquered by the Kingdom of Reptillia in the Islands War or destroyed in the War of Nations. The government is near collapse and everyone is too poor to make a revolution to set things right. So the leaders of the kingdom, which has been an oligarchy since its founding, send a request to the Gondolin government to join its wealthy empire. The Gondolin Parliament and Lord accept the offer and send aid to the people of the Eastern Isles.
Then the Lunarium Empire which has been expanding its borders through deception, bribery, and lethal injection sees an opportunity. The leader of the Lunarians, the High King, sends a proposal to the Gondolin Parliament. The members of parliament are skeptical of the letter. The Letter reads,

Dear Esteemed Members of Parliament,
I have a great proposal for thee. I propose that we combine our two empires to create the greatest empire in all the known lands. With the wealth of thy empire and the powers of thine we could rule all of Arcanó. We could rid of those brutal Corazonians and those meek Rivermen. Plus with access now to the Eastern Isles we could take over the Kingdom of Reptilla and then the Tribal Empire. After that the Agaeans will fall, then the Tundra Tribes of the north.
Yours sincerely,
The High King of Lunarium

The Members ponder the proposal for two weeks. They are skeptical because they have hear what the Lunarians do to get people to join their empire. They also don't know if the people of Gondolin would want to join with the Lunarium Empire. So to be save they put up a vote. The two choices were Yea or Nay. Seventy eight percent of the population voted Yea. Twenty two percent of the population voted Nay. With this the Members of Parliament sent a letter to the High King of Lunarium stating that they would join the Lunarians. With this The United Realms of Arcanó or the URA is formed.
The URA had a central government that ruled over lesser governments. The lesser governments oversaw their designated Realms. The Realms are as listed after all empires are taken over by the URA.
The Lunar Realm-Lunarium, Southwestern Farallon, and Far South Agaea
The Gondolin Realm-Gondolin, Southeastern Farallon, and Southwestern Nohan
The Western Realm-Agaea, Western Farallon
The Central Realm-Eastern Farallon, Western Nohan, and Virginiansland
The Tribal Realm-Eastern Nohan, Eastern Coalition, and Amazonia
The Isles Realm-Maoria, and Reptillia
The Tundra Realm-All of Bubushka

Ajouté au bande de temps:

1 déc. 2021


17 avr. 1468
~ Il y a 556 ans