June 15, 2024

18 h 11 min, 6 oct. 2017 ans - Tracheostomy


Leading up to this surgery were several tough days. Our doc tried to extubate Kinston (take out the breathing tube that was down his throat and stops where the lungs branch) but after a while Kinston was close to going into right sided heart failure. This is when the doctor knew that Kinston's heart was not strong enough to withstand breathing without support. This was the one thing everyone was trying to avoid. We had a "care conference" beforehand where Kinston's neonatologist, cardiologist, ENT, pulmonologist, case manager, child life specialist, one of his primary nurses, and me and Adam came together. We came with so many questions and concerns. The child life specialist even brought a trach to the conference for us to see and be hands-on with. The surgery was explained to us in detail and we even had to take a class with an experienced trach nurse. The day finally came and all went well. Kinston had to be paralyzed and heavily sedated for many days afterwards to avoid movement at the stoma sight. Having a trach made it much easier to do tummy time, have physical and occupational therapy, and even allowed speech therapy to start. He was able to start sucking on a pacifier and start learning how to suck on a bottle. The blessing in this situation is that we finally got to see his face without a tube coming out of his mouth or without any tape covering it. We finally got to kiss he sweet chubby cheeks.


Ajouté au bande de temps:


18 h 11 min, 6 oct. 2017 ans
~ Il y a 6 ans et 8 mois

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