June 15, 2024

11 avr. 1968 - Civil Rights Act of 1968


What is it? The Civil Rights Act of 1968 is a landmark law signed by Lyndon B. Johnson which was intended to combat race based housing patterns. Many african american families had trouble renting or buying homes because of their race. The NAACP and other groups lobbied for fair housing legislation to prevent discrimination concerning renting, buying and financing homes based on race, and as a result, Lyndon B. Johnson pressured Congress to pass one more law before he left presidency.
Who was involved? Lyndon B. Johnson, and other protestors contributed to it
Where did it Happen? White House and Capitol
Major Cause: Martin Luther King Jr.s assasination sparked up a nationwide series of protests, so Lyndon B. Johnson was trying to pressure Congress to pass one more civil rights act preferably before Martin Luther King’s funeral in order to honor him and please the public.
Major Effect: African American families now had an easier time finding homes to buy/rent and also racial discrimination for housing is now illegal so it was generally better for African Americans

Ajouté au bande de temps:

14 janv. 2021


11 avr. 1968
~ Il y a 56 ans