July 1, 2024

1 juin 1952 - Death


John Dewey died of pneumonia on 01 June 1952 in his apartment in New York, New York.


John Dewey was an American philosopher that was an enlightened thinker and reformed the American education system. Before Dewey, the school system in the United States and most other places were authoritarian and based on learning facts. Dewey was a very talented student and went on to receive his Doctorate from John Hopkins University. Dewey was an educator and eventually implemented his ideas at a Laboratory school at the University of Chicago. Dewey believed that knowledge came from experience and this is how he would go on to instruct the students in his laboratory elementary school. Dewey being pragmatic implemented an experience based knowledge system that was child centered and focused on learning the process rather than just knowing a fact. This was abnormal for the time and he received much trouble for his approach. However, he continued with his ideas and wrote books and articles on his experience with it. Dewey reformed the educational system of the United States to a child-centered system that focuses on teaching the process rather than just facts.
Dewey started Experientialism philosophy, which aligned with his pragmatic ideas. Dewey believed in a hands-on approach that involved working in groups and asking questions. He affected the philosophy of science by showing that hands-on experience is effective, and continues to be effective, in educating people. His inquiry based model is a way to educate people by posing questions, problems, or scenarios that people must work through to find the answer. It moves away from feeding facts to people and makes them think to discover the answers. It produces real-world problem solvers rather than people able to regurgitate facts.

Works Cited

Field, Richard. "John Dewey (1859—1952)." Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ISSN 2161-0002, n.d. Web. 22 Dec. 2017.

"John Dewey." Biography.com. Ed. Biography.com. A&E Networks Television, 02 Apr. 2014. Web. 23 Dec. 2017.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


1 juin 1952
~ Il y a 72 ans
