June 15, 2024

25 mars 1807 - The Slave Trade Act 1807 is passed


The Slave Trade Act was passed in parliament in 1807. The act abolished the slave trade in the British Empire and made it illegal to participate in the slave trade. The British abolished the slave trade for many reason like a change in economic interests, resistance by enslaved people and Parliamentary reform. With the industrial revolution growing rapidly in the 18th century, Britain no longer needed slave-based goods. The country was more able to prosper from new systems which required high efficiency. With enslaved people giving more resistance due to the French Revolution bringing ideas of liberty and equality, which inspired enslaved people and also people who despised the practice to try and end it. Within the British Parliament mot of the members who supported slavery were no longer seated so the act was passed.The Slave Trade Act was a big step for the Britain and helped guide them to abolish slavery all together and bringing freedoms to enslaved people. While it's a just the abolishing of the slave trade it's still a step towards being able to inrease freedoms to enslaved people. These steps are the steps that help guide England to its current state of social and political freedoms it has now.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


25 mars 1807
~ Il y a 217 ans