April 1, 2024

17 janv. 1676 - Bacon's Rebellion


Bacon's rebellion was a fight between Governor Berkeley and Nathaniel Bacon Jr. It was a hard time for the English settlers and many needed someone to blame. They blamed the Natives and wanted to invade their land. Governor Berkeley refused and wouldn't let his colonists invade the native's land. He also regulated trade, but was lax on the rules with his friends. This made people, like Bacon, angry and they started a rebellion and Bacon led his own vendetta against the natives. He was eventually captured but was pardoned.

----Video Link----https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tg0sRx9sNo
----Video---- A brief description of the events that led up to Bacon's Rebellion. It talks about how there is a class division because of indentured servitude and this class division leads to the boiling point of Bacon's Rebellion. It's a rebellion against natives and an oppressive form of government.

----Image---- This is an image of Bacon's rebellion. This rebellion started a vendetta against the native's and questioned colonial government. It was a sparking point for the revolution

Ajouté au bande de temps:

22 déc. 2017


17 janv. 1676
~ Il y a 348 ans

Les images:
