April 1, 2024

23 mars 1790 - Second Great Awakening, Industrial Revolution


/The second Great Awakening consisted of camp meetings or revivals across the country, where all different kinds of people would attend./ Preachers that were inspired by Whitefield, would do an emotional style of preaching, were there would be a sense of connectivity between god and everyone that was watching him. They preached of spiritual equality, which normal reached out to women and African Americans. Baptist and Methodist preachers converted hundreds of slaves in Virginia, the Chesapeake, and the Carolinas.
Characteristics of the Industrial revolution were that Labor began to be divided, and different works did different tasks. Factories with water and steam powered machines began top pop up all over the place. Artisans became wage earners who worked for an employer, and new populations entered the workforce.
Key Concept 4.1: 3

Ajouté au bande de temps:

19 déc. 2017


23 mars 1790
~ Il y a 234 ans