June 15, 2024

24 févr. 1630 - Swedish Intervention In The Thirty Years' War


Unlike most of the European nations, Adolphus and Sweden entered the war based on the prospect of expansion, rather than disputing religious differences. Due to his superior military tactics, Adolphus ripped through Europe, gaining support from several German states. In his final battle, Adolphus lead 175,000 Protestants against the Catholics, which resulted in a Protestant victory. Adolphus was found faced down in the mud, as he lead by example and never shied away from battling on the front lines. Following his death, Sweden was not nearly as dominant, and struggled without his leadership. The progress that Adolphus had brought to Sweden in such a short period of time is nothing short of astounding, but it is a shame that his dominance was brought to an end so soon. Adolphus seemed to be the catalyst that the Protestant's needed in the war, and no one can say for sure what would have happened if he had lived to lead the Protestant's to further victories.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


24 févr. 1630
~ Il y a 394 ans