June 15, 2024

26 févr. 2012 - The Case of Trayvon Martin


On February 26, 2012, Trayvon Martin was fatally shot by George Zimmerman in Sanford Florida. At the young age of 17, walking home with a bag of skittles and an ice tea, Trayvon is followed by a member of the local neighborhood watch, George Zimmerman. Zimmerman is suspecting that Trayvon is conducting illegal activity. People in his community compared Zimmerman to a “wannabe cop”, making over 100 calls to law enforcement about claims of suspicious individuals. When George Zimmerman tailed Trayvon he called his local police dispatcher and said that there is "This guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or something. It's raining, and he's just walking around." Then when the dispatcher told Zimmerman that the Police Department did not need him to approach Trayvon, he ignored them and approached. What happens next is a matter of dispute, but we know that George Zimmerman initiated contact and shot the gun. But the piece to solving this proverbial puzzle case is knowing the answer to the question, What made Trayvon different?

The death of Trayvon Martin is a case of racial profiling. If Trayvon was a white young man rather than black, there is little doubt that George Zimmerman would not have questioned him walking home from the convenient store. This sense of danger when regarding blacks in this country is detrimental to the fundamental care of the lives of millions of law-abiding residents of the United States of America. These potential victims all share one thing in common, not their gender, socio-economic status, nor religion, it is the level of melanin that is in their body. Imagine if society looked at people with hazel colored eyes as dangerous and animalistic. This would cause an uproar within the hazel colored community. When Alicia Garza heard the news of Trayvon’s death she took to Twitter to voice her thoughts on the tragedy. Under the tweet Garza’s friend Patrisse Cullors commented with a hashtag. #blacklivesmatter. In a country that has a track record for violent injustices onto the black community, a lot of the nation’s residents felt the hashtag divided people. The protest seemed to be too polarizing and not inclusive enough. As the 1968 Olympic protest supposedly divided people, the uninformed bombarded the movement with counter-movements such as #alllivesmatter. The issue with counter-movements such as these is that they are counterproductive. People of no other races in America are gunned down more by public officials and other citizens by racial profiling than black people. The victims of those crimes’ assailants tend to beat the case. Therefore in a policing system, social system, and criminal justice system that sees the person as second class, it is hard to think that their lives matter. Thus the need for an organization such as BlackLivesMatter.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


26 févr. 2012
~ Il y a 12 ans

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