April 1, 2024

11 déc. 1940 - Children's Television


Cartoons started their emigration to television in the late 1940s when one of the smaller studios (Van Beuren) began marketing their catalogue to early children's programs such as Movies for Small Fry.Other, larger studios were slower to take advantage of the electronic medium.Fantasmagorie is an 1908 French animated film by Émile Cohl. It is one of the earliest examples of traditional (hand-drawn) animation. Followed by the first animated television series was Crusader Rabbit. Animated sitcoms first appeared in the 1960s, with The Flintstones (1960–1966), followed by The Jetsons (1962–1987).
Television programs designed for and marketed to children, normally scheduled for broadcast during the morning and afternoon when children are awake.
The purpose of the shows is mainly to entertain and sometimes to educate.
Early years:
The phenakistoscope ( 1832 ), Zoetrope ( 1834 ) and praxinoscope ( 1877 ) as well as the common flip book, were early animation devices to produce movement from sequential drawing using technological means, but did not develop further until the advent of motion picture film.
An animated cartoon is a film for the cinema, television or computer screen, which is made using sequential drawings. Film today uses clay or puppet, such as Paranorman.
It uses stop motion film to utilize full colour 3 D printers for replacement animation.
Which sped up puppet production considerably and allowed the team to make the large number of puppet faces required.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


11 déc. 1940
~ Il y a 83 ans