April 1, 2024

1 janv. 399 av. J.-C. - Socrates is Executed


Socrates's death is described at the end of Plato's Phaedo, although Plato was not himself present at the execution. As to the veracity of Plato's account it seems possible he made choice of a number of certain factors perhaps omitting others in the description of the death, as the Phaedo description does not describe progress of the action of the poison in concurrence with modern descriptions. Phaedo states, after drinking the poison, he was instructed to walk around until his legs felt numb. After he lay down, the man who administered the poison pinched his foot; Socrates could no longer feel his legs. The numbness slowly crept up his body until it reached his heart.

Socrates chose to cover his face during the execution.

According to Phaedo, Socrates stated that "all of philosophy is training for death".

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1 janv. 399 av. J.-C.
~ Il y a 2425 ans

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