June 15, 2024

9 mars 2020 - National Quarantine Imposed


On 9 March 2020, the government of Italy under Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte imposed a national quarantine, restricting the movement of the population except for necessity, work, and health circumstances, in response to the growing pandemic of COVID-19 in the country. Additional lockdown restrictions mandated the temporary closure of non-essential shops and businesses. This followed an earlier restriction announced on the previous day which affected sixteen million people that affected the whole region of Lombardy and fourteen largely-neighboring provinces in Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Piedmont and Marche, and prior to that a smaller-scale lockdown of ten municipalities in the province of Lodi and one in the province of Padua that had begun in late February.

The lockdown measures, despite being widely approved by the public opinion, were also described as the largest suppression of constitutional rights in the history of the republic.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


9 mars 2020
~ Il y a 4 ans et 3 mois

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