April 1, 2024

25 mai 2006 - Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act; 2006


The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act was passed in 2006 on May 25th to address loose ends in the immigration policies. The act discussed interior and worksite enforcement, border security levels, the establishment of temporary programs for guest workers, earned paths for citizenships, and authorization for SCAAP funding. The final version of the act was a compromise between three portions of the government; the first two are the Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Specter and the House Majority Leader Bill First. The third was Senators Hagel and Martinez. Their portion of the compromised act was division between 11 million unauthorized immigrants into three categories: allowed legalization of meeting certain criteria, required departure before applying for a legal status, and the third just required departure. To conclude the act, states with health and education costs of immigrants were allowed access to assistance.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


25 mai 2006
~ Il y a 18 ans