June 15, 2024

11 avr. 1914 - Norman Mclaren


He is a Scottish/ Canadian, director and producer, he is known for his work for the National Film Board of Canada.
He did hand-drawn animation, drawn-on-film animation, visual music, abstact film, pixilation and graphical sound. He studied the set of design at the Glasgow School of Art.
His early experiments with film and animation included scratching and painting the film stock itself, as he did not have ready access to a camera.
His first film was Seven Till Five it was produced in 1933, a ''day in the life of an art school'' he was influenced by Eisenstein.
Mclaren's next film is Camera Makes Whoopee it is produced in 1935, which it take on the themes of explored in Seven Till Five, it is inspired by his acquisition of a Cine-Kodak camera, which enabled him to practice a number of 'trick' shots.
Mclaren also uses pixelation effects, plus superimoposition and animation to tap into aesthetics.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


11 avr. 1914
~ Il y a 110 ans