April 1, 2024

22 oct. 580 - Many Atmorans decide to sail south to Tamriel in 'Brotherbands' as weather continues to deteriorate.


Atmoran Brotherbands

Much like Ysgrammor did ages past, many young Atmoran men found little opportunity in the Fatherland. A large amount of Atmora had progressively become more and more inhospitable over the years. Popular fishing spots froze over, wood became too fragile to work, and pillaging increased tenfold.

Because of this, many Atmorans formed 'Brotherbands,' in the classical sense — a group of strictly men that were bound together as Brothers and led by a single chosen Headmaster.

These groups increased in popularity after war broke out in Tamriel. Where chaos brewed, opportunity also lie await with its legs spread wide — at least that was the Atmoran line of thought.

Most Brotherbands consisted of five to ten men, and their overall objectives were always random. Many of course were mercenaries, but plenty were merely woodworkers, farmers, hunters, or blacksmiths. Some did not even lend themselves an overall goal, only the purpose of sailing south.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


22 oct. 580
~ Il y a 1444 ans

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