April 1, 2024

22 nov 1977 - Delta of Venus


Delta Of Venus (and also Little Birds,) are two of Anais Nin’s most famous works. Delta Of Venus, specifically, though, was published in 1977. Nin originally wrote both of these books on commission, as a specific person asked her to write erotic fiction for them. Nin is credited greatly for being able to write erotic fiction while maintaining her voice as an author. Nin is also credited for writing these texts which recount rape, pedophilia, and other horrifying sexual acts while making the texts inherently feminist. I chose this book as a referent text to Shire’s Teaching My Mother How to Give Birth, because on Shire’s Tumblr, she has previously shared her admiration for Anais Nin. Shire told her followers that her parents had a large library of fiction, and she can remember feeling connected to this novel at an age as early as 9.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


22 nov 1977
~ Il y a 46 ans