April 1, 2024

25 nov 1936 - Anti-Comintern Pact


From November 25th 1936 to November 6th 1937, an agreement known as the Anti-Comintern Pact was made between various countries ostensibly directed against the Communist International (Comintern).

- 2 causes: On Nov. 25th 1936, this agreement concluded first between Germany and Japan…then on NOV. 6 1937 between Italy, Germany and Japan. The idea for an anti-communist alliance was first thought up and suggested in late 1935. Before taking the agreement into consideration, the German Foreign Ministry considered the pros and cons of an alliance with Japan, the arch enemy of their ally, China.

- 2 effects: After the Anti-Comintern Pact’s signing, Falkenhausen (a German General and military writer) was recalled to Germany with no permission after Japanese pressure in 1938. China who was Germany’s ally, also eventually declared war on Germany, Italy and Japan on 9th December, 1941.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

28 févr. 2020


25 nov 1936
~ Il y a 87 ans