April 1, 2024

1 h 20 min, 6 févr. 1922 ans - Washington Naval Treaty


The Washington Naval Treaty, also recognised as the Five-Power Agreement, was a treaty signed in 1922 between the major nations that had fought the First World War and sought to avoid the arms race by restricting naval development. Earlier naval weapons restriction conventions imposed new restrictions to the design of warships. The world's largest maritime forces gathered in Washington, D.C. around 1921 and 1922. For a conference on naval disarmament and means of alleviating growing tensions throughout East Asia. In the aftermath of World War I, international community members sought to prevent that war from happening. The Treaty signalled the end of a long time of battleship construction rises. Most ships were scrapped or transformed into aircraft carriers then being constructed. Treaty limitations were accepted and eventually expanded under the 1930 London Naval Treaty.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

20 févr. 2020


1 h 20 min, 6 févr. 1922 ans
~ Il y a 102 ans