April 1, 2024

7 oct. 1763 - The Royal Proclamation determines that First Nations are sovereign


In the royal proclamation, the reigning king (King George) reserved western territory for exclusive hunting ground for “several nations or tribes of Indians” however, him, himself reserved that he would claim domain of the entire region. This right to the land created ‘sovereign’ for the aboriginal peoples of the land, and made it illegal for anybody to directly burning any indidgenous land, but if one wished, a man or woman could sell their land to a representative on British monarch.
It seems like the royal proclamation was an arrogant attempt to make a claim on land, however it also gave land to the indidgenous people who lived on the land, but restricted the use of it. This event marked the beginning of issues that created a long lasting trauma to the indidgenous people of canada. And affect their identity, because it was the initial part of their assimilation, degrading, and abuse of their culture, identity and lives.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


7 oct. 1763
~ Il y a 260 ans

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