April 1, 2024

18 h 26 avr. 2005 ans - Spencer is gutted by Negan in the street. (Issue 111) (Issue 112)


- Day 647
- Spencer approaches Negan's summer house and asks Seth if he can speak to Negan. Negan invites him in and can't believe they still have running water here. Spencer explains that the community was built for politicians to still run the country in event of a disaster, the luxuries won't run forever but it's nice while it lasts. Negan excitedly asks if there's a pool table, Spencer happens to have one in his house. Negan asks for his new best friend's name and Spencer introduces himself.
- Negan asks him what he wants and Spencer says he wants to talk about Rick. He understands that Negan is trying to build a network of communities here and get people to work together, but Rick doesn't work well with others. He's a maniac. Spencer's father was the original leader and he thinks he can be the leader he was, which is better off for everyone and Negan.
- They walk together and Negan notes how Rick despises him, however is outside gathering supplies right now FOR him which takes guts. Spencer snuck over behind Rick's back to ask Negan to kill Rick so he can take over. He didn't kill Rick himself and just take over because he doesn't have the guts. Just then Negan slices open Spencer's stomach, spilling his guts all over the floor. He admits how wrong he was about Spencer not having guts as they were inside him the whole time! He gets Seth to clean up the body before a kid sees it and to find out where this pool table is.
- Denise rushes over in shock and kneels by Spencer. Negan assures her he's dead and asks where he lived.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


18 h 26 avr. 2005 ans
~ Il y a 19 ans

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