April 1, 2024

19 h 13 mars 2005 ans - Eugene has all the equipment to make bullets. (Issue 107)


- Day 603
- Eugene excitedly rushes around marvelling at all the useful equipment he, Rosita and Holly have discovered. It appears the owner of this place was making their own bullets on the side of their business as everything they need is here and already set up.
- Rick announces to the community that they have a lot of work ahead of them. He now feels like Negan can be trusted after returning Carl to them and they should all be optimistic from here on out.
- Andrea thinks he laid it on a little thick at the end and is worried that Rick's straight up lying to people about working with Negan. Rick doesn't care as long as everyone's alive because of it, they'll get over it if they've angry. Rick wants to talk with Carl tonight.

Ajouté au bande de temps:


19 h 13 mars 2005 ans
~ Il y a 19 ans

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