April 1, 2024

7 h 45 min, 13 déc. 2019 ans - Eating Breakfast - Cereal


Although I am unsure of whether the grains used in my cereal were harvested in Canada or not, I do know that the milk came from somewhere within Canada’s borders. Dairy imports into Canada are highly regulated and carry a high rate of import duty. The Canadian dairy industry is protected against high volume imports of foreign dairy products. These tariffs are part of a politically sensitive, decades-old policy to protect Canada’s dairy farmers. The system is called “supply management,” and it sets production quotas for the country’s dairy, poultry products, and eggs. These protectionist laws are a great example of a political factor of globalization that many dairy farmers worldwide would have to consider.

Ajouté au bande de temps:

18 déc. 2019


7 h 45 min, 13 déc. 2019 ans
~ Il y a 4 ans et 5 mois